Pop Up Post Office


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Latest News January / February 2021


42a School Lane, Grenoside, S35 8QU

The Monday Post Office at the Reading Room is now opening 9am to 12 noon. The Post Office is proving to be a great Community asset.

The Pop up Take Away Café on Monday’s has been cancelled whilst we are in the current Governments National Lockdown.

The Reading Room continues to be affected by Covid –19.

The closure has had an effect on the Charities (Grenoside Old School Charity) income. More importantly is the effect that the Pandemic has had on the Community groups and organisations who have regularly meet in the Reading Room.

The Grenoside Christmas Tree Trail in December 2020 was a huge success. The 170 Christmas Trees on the Village Trail brought joy and happiness to many.

Best Wishes and stay safe, from Alan Hooper and the Reading Room Trustees and volunteers.

Web: grenosidereadingroom.co.uk. You can find also us on Facebook and Twitter

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Latest News December – January

A Happy Peaceful and Safe New Year to all our friends. We all look forward to 2021 with hope for a much better year.

The Monday Post Office at the Reading Room is now opening 9am to 12 noon. It will however be closed on Bank Holiday Monday 28th December2020.

A Pop up Take Away Café on Monday’s will happen when we have volunteers available. Openings will be posted on social media.

The Reading Room and its opening continues to be affected by Covid –19. The latest Tier 3 Government Guidelines (as at Mid December) and restrictions continue to make it difficult to use the Reading Room and its facilities. The closure has had an effect on the Charities income. More importantly the effect on the Community groups and organisations who regularly meet in the Reading Room.

We miss you all and look forward to better times in 2021!
The Grenoside Christmas Tree Trail in December, was at the time of writing, a huge success. The 170 Christmas Trees on the Village Trail has brought joy and happiness to many.

Best Wishes and stay safe, from Alan Hooper and the Reading Room Trustees and volunteers.

Web: Grenosidereadingroom.co.uk. You can find also us on Facebook and Twitter

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Latest News plus New Opening Times for Pop Up Post Office

The Monday Post Office at the Reading Room is now opening 9.00 am to 12.00 noon.

A Pop Up Take Away Café on Monday will happen when we have volunteers available. We shall be open on Monday 30th November and future openings will be posted on social media.

On Saturday the 5th and Sunday the 6th December, both 12 noon till 5pm we will be selling Christmas Tree Programmes.

Look out for the Reading Room Tree as part of the Grenoside Christmas Tree Trail in December.

The Reading Room and its opening continues to be affected by Covid-19. The Tier 3 Government guidelines and lockdown restrictions have continued to make it difficult to use the Reading Room and its facilities. The closure has had an effect on the charity's income and more importantly on the community groups and organisations who regularly meet in the Reading Room. We miss you all and look forward to better times in 2021!

Best wishes and stay safe,

Alan Hooper and the Reading Room Trustees

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Grenoside Christmas Tree Festival 2020

Grenoside’s annual Christmas Tree Festival turned into festive village trail

Grenoside’s popular Christmas Tree Festival will this year be transformed into a
Christmas village trail helping people get into the festive spirit whilst still adhering to
social distancing.

In these uncertain times organisers of the annual event, which attracts hundreds of
visitors each year, still wanted to do something that brightens up Christmas for
everyone in Grenoside and beyond. Chris Levesley explains: “The event can’t be held in its usual format this year due to Covid-19 restrictions, so instead we are asking the people of Grenoside to take part in the first ever ‘Grenoside Christmas Tree Trail’. Christmas is definitely not
cancelled in Grenoside!”

“We want families and businesses to get involved by decorating and theming
Christmas trees outside their premises and homes. We will create a mapped walking
trail making the village THE place in Sheffield to visit this December.”
Grenoside Christmas Tree Trail will run for the whole of December, with voting for
the public's favourite tree from the 5th to the 13th. There will be two main points to
buy maps (£2.00 each) over the weekend of 5th and 6th October, and voting will be
completed online or by dropping a voting slip off.

Entry open to everyone in Grenoside and families or businesses can decorate a tree
in their garden – either a traditional Christmas Tree bought for the trail, or an existing
tree/bush. It must be easily visible from the road.

Chris added “2020 has been a different year for everyone so we wanted to do
something that everyone in the village could be involved in. Hopefully it will bring
some much needed Christmas cheer and any money raised will be split between the
Scout and Guide headquarters fund and the Grenoside Community Centre.”

After the event all trees can be collected (minus their decorations) and will be
shredded and the chippings used to improve footpaths in nearby woods.
A Facebook page has been set up to promote the event and share updates -
Grenoside Christmas Tree 2020

For more information see the website: https://www.grenosidechristmas.com/

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Cancellation of Monday Café on 12th October

Please note that the Monday Café on the 12th October has been cancelled due to the current rising numbers of positive Covid - 19 in Sheffield and the impending local restrictions.
This decision has been taken to safeguard both the Staff volunteers and our Reading Room customers and friends.

The POP UP POST OFFICE will still take place 9.30am to 11.30am

Please stay safe, best wishes
Alan Hooper and the Reading Room Trustees

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Latest on the Pop Up PO and Monday Café

It's as you were on the Pop Up Post Office!

The Village News will not now be hosting the  Pop Up PO after all. Instead, after a successful trial run, the Pop Up Post Office will open at the Reading Room every Monday 9.30am to 11.30am until further notice. All of this is dependent on Covid 19 rules and guidelines.

The Reading Room and its opening continues to be affected by Covid –19 and the latest Government guidelines which commenced on the 14th September.
We are proposing to open the Monday Café on the following Mondays:
12th, 19th and 26th October,
2nd, 9th and 30th November.

Due to Social distancing booking a table is advisable. Phone me on  0114 2463692. We will be serving, soup, teas, coffee, cakes and scones.
Please see our website for futher news.  You can find also us on Facebook and Twitter
Best wishes and stay safe from Alan Hooper and the Reading Room Trustees and volunteers

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Latest news from Alan Hooper and the Reading Room Trustees

We hope that you and your family and friends have been safe during a very stressful time. The Reading Room Trustees and volunteers have missed all our friends and visitors since lockdown began in March.

Covid -19 has forced the ongoing closure of Grenoside Reading Room since mid March. The Monday café has been missed by many Grenoside residents not only for the food and drinks but also for the ability to meet with and spend time with friends and family. Groups and organisations have not been able to meet and ad hoc Party bookings have been refused. So much for the past and the bad news!

Looking forward, the Reading Room Trustees have met and are looking to try to begin to reopen in September / October. Local and Government guidelines will have to be strictly followed. Details of reopening, with dates, will be released when plans have been finalised. We are unsure if and when the Monday café will be able to open and what rules and safety measures will be in place.

Once we are open again we will be able to take card payments for room hire and for the café.

However “On August Bank Holiday the 31st August we will hold, as a trial, a pop up take away café with tea, coffee, cakes and scones available. Café will be from 10am to 2pm. Social Distancing must be observed.

Best Wishes and stay safe from Alan Hooper and the Reading Room Trustees

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